Small Claims Court Forms
*Please note that forms are constantly changing, and the forms below may be out-of-date.
You can find the most up-to-date forms at
1B. Request for Telephone or Video Conference
4A. Consent to Act as Litigation Guardian
4B. Affidavit (Motion for Payment Out of Court)
11A. Affidavit for Jurisdiction
11.2A. Request for Clerk’s Order on Consent
11.3A. Notice of Discontinued Claim
13A. List of Proposed Witnesses
14B. Acceptance of Offer to Settle
14C. Notice of Withdrawal of Offer to Settle
15A. Notice of Motion and Supporting Affidavit
18B. Warrant for Arrest of Defaulting Witness
20C. Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property
20D. Writ of Seizure and Sale of Land
20E.1. Notice of Renewal of Garnishment
20G. Notice to Co-Owner of Debt
20I. Financial Information Form
20L. Notice of Default of Payment
20M. Affidavit of Default of Payment
20N. Request to Renew Writ of Seizure and Sale
20O. Direction to Enforce Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property
20P. Affidavit for Enforcement Request